Japanese conversation class
こんにちは!SORAです★今日はみなさんに「日本語会話クラス」の雰囲気をご紹介いたします(^ ^)こちらの写真はAさんとのレッスン中の様子です。週2回日本語を学びに来てくれているAさんは、とてもフレンドリー♪日本語を教えているはずの私が楽しませてもらっています(笑)
Hello,everyone! Today we will introduce [Japanese conversation class]! In the class, we are talking all the time. So when you learn some new words or sentences , you can use those in the class with me and another Japanese staff too! And if you struggle with something I can always answer back to you.
This is NEW INFORMATION★ We open the FREE Japanese conversation class twice a week. Tuesday 11:00-11:30, Wednesday 17:00-17:30! If you have time let’s have fun in JAPANESE. ( Reservation is not required.)
call:0827-28-5558 /e-mail address: assist@sora.business
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